Discover the critical risks of specimen misidentification and cross-contamination in histology labs and learn actionable solutions. This insightful post explores a real-world example of a life-changing case and shares best practices and innovative technologies like barcoding, point-of-generation printing, and automation to enhance patient safety and diagnostic accuracy.
Although histology does use automation for some tasks, compared to other laboratory disciplines, histology is quite manual. This blog post takes a look at the current challenges in histology and how automation may impact these challenges from a quality, safety, and efficiency standpoint.
From the microscopic intricacies of tissues to the crucial role histology professionals play in our healthcare system, this blog post reveals the immense importance of this field. It also addresses the current shortage of histotechnicians and proposes ways to inspire more people to join this vital profession.
Here is a quick guide to some tips and tricks to properly perform gross dissection, fixation, and tissue processing for fatty tissue to create the best possible result for the pathologist. The primary points covered in the post include proper tissue thickness, ensuring adequate and proper fixation, and tips for proper tissue processing of fatty tissue.